Self-reliance and privacy
Hinder efficiency
The Suppliers need immediate access
Therefore, you're ordered to lock less
The Suppliers must fill our closets
With food products, water, energy, for people & pets
Then, they must gather your payment
Direct access to your home & money is a requirement
The Suppliers know what you are allowed to need
Because it's on you they feed
Now, you live on state chain -- yet, only in it's domain
Soon, you also & mainly live on TTIP's Supplier chain
Good luck, happy new year
HM @}}-
Monday, December 28, 2015
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Pacifian Song Against Racism
How to tackle racism?
Correct names are a traditional tool
Then we enter the minefield, the swamp, of -ism
Always someone is left out from the human pool
Dutch Black Pete isn't seen with the same standard
As is Iranian Black Pete
First is slandered, latter wins an award
Not easily, tastes meet
The name 'America' seems a strong symbol
Yet, a true perfectionist
Makes even that name crumble
Skipping Amerigo Vespucci, is truly non-racist
America needs a new, neutral name
A name that doesn't mention any people or person
Then, everyone is left out of fame
I try to suggest a new name that may be spot on
Atlantis is already taken
East India leaves too many a question
Westland is geographically always mistaken
Pacifia would be my suggestion
Native Pacifian
Caucasian Pacifian
Then the first ambiguity: Asian Pacifian ~
The first pitfall for any correct politician
Is it ever possible:
Win the fight against racism
In a way that's plausible
Without ending in dead end-activism
Any answer is appreciated
To this question that keeps many fascinated
Correct names are a traditional tool
Then we enter the minefield, the swamp, of -ism
Always someone is left out from the human pool
Dutch Black Pete isn't seen with the same standard
As is Iranian Black Pete
First is slandered, latter wins an award
Not easily, tastes meet
The name 'America' seems a strong symbol
Yet, a true perfectionist
Makes even that name crumble
Skipping Amerigo Vespucci, is truly non-racist
America needs a new, neutral name
A name that doesn't mention any people or person
Then, everyone is left out of fame
I try to suggest a new name that may be spot on
Atlantis is already taken
East India leaves too many a question
Westland is geographically always mistaken
Pacifia would be my suggestion
Native Pacifian
Caucasian Pacifian
Then the first ambiguity: Asian Pacifian ~
The first pitfall for any correct politician
Is it ever possible:
Win the fight against racism
In a way that's plausible
Without ending in dead end-activism
Any answer is appreciated
To this question that keeps many fascinated
Monday, December 21, 2015
Christmas Dream
A green Christmas will come true
Have any of you
Seen any snow, this Winter?
Icebergs crumble & splinter
Blackbirds sing
Temperatures remind of Spring
Weirdness is main theme
In the present world scheme
What is the future of life,
Of water, land, in this strife?
I leave the question for now
After the holidays, further we plow
Have any of you
Seen any snow, this Winter?
Icebergs crumble & splinter
Blackbirds sing
Temperatures remind of Spring
Weirdness is main theme
In the present world scheme
What is the future of life,
Of water, land, in this strife?
I leave the question for now
After the holidays, further we plow
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Nothing & Something
Is nothing space between more than a thing
Like silence is nothing between sounds
Or is it the also-existing non-existing
Perhaps it isn't a question that hounds
Because there's always something
Creation and mass have no bounds
If creation has no ending
Would it be a statement that astounds
That creation has no beginning
Like silence is nothing between sounds
Or is it the also-existing non-existing
Perhaps it isn't a question that hounds
Because there's always something
Creation and mass have no bounds
If creation has no ending
Would it be a statement that astounds
That creation has no beginning
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Recently, this, I discovered:
Belief & trust climb a stairway
Like a game, it's steps are numbered
Not just like a computer play
First, you protect yourself from harm
That is when you reach level one
Then, a story does more than warm
With faith, level two has been done
To protect, belief, and exchange
That's when trust reaches level three
People are heroic or strange
Yet, confidence can set them free
Let's thank humanity's beauty
Let's gather willingness to see
Belief & trust climb a stairway
Like a game, it's steps are numbered
Not just like a computer play
First, you protect yourself from harm
That is when you reach level one
Then, a story does more than warm
With faith, level two has been done
To protect, belief, and exchange
That's when trust reaches level three
People are heroic or strange
Yet, confidence can set them free
Let's thank humanity's beauty
Let's gather willingness to see
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Political Gossip
When politicians bring up
A colleague's personal life
They usually drank a vinegar filled cup
To give their mind strife
Bringers of doubtful, unproven news
About others' personal life
Usually share clear news
About their very own strife
Charlie Brooker, lord Ashcroft ~ before unknown
They push forth their own sour faces
Unknowingly, themselves, they've blown
Their own minds ~ as being small places
Even those who don't admire
David Cameron
Still appreciate a strong wire
With relevance, without easy con
My lecture for today would be:
Stick to business
Don't strut your own hate memory
To those who care less
A colleague's personal life
They usually drank a vinegar filled cup
To give their mind strife
Bringers of doubtful, unproven news
About others' personal life
Usually share clear news
About their very own strife
Charlie Brooker, lord Ashcroft ~ before unknown
They push forth their own sour faces
Unknowingly, themselves, they've blown
Their own minds ~ as being small places
Even those who don't admire
David Cameron
Still appreciate a strong wire
With relevance, without easy con
My lecture for today would be:
Stick to business
Don't strut your own hate memory
To those who care less
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
People always sail their own ship
None of them knowing where it goes
Even when they well-plan the trip
The span between those may cause woes
Someone's word may give assurance
We strive to be independent
So, daringly we take our chance
Yet, that may feel insufficient
We always love the good news ship
So we need others, now & then
Truth is, we like any news ship
Thinking, else, we're stuck in the den
Even when we're rolling smoothly.
We like a push before we're free
None of them knowing where it goes
Even when they well-plan the trip
The span between those may cause woes
Someone's word may give assurance
We strive to be independent
So, daringly we take our chance
Yet, that may feel insufficient
We always love the good news ship
So we need others, now & then
Truth is, we like any news ship
Thinking, else, we're stuck in the den
Even when we're rolling smoothly.
We like a push before we're free
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
I've always believed that our heart
Is our best compass to choose with
When life's basics want a kick start
Intuition is not some myth
Just this ~ no one accepts no facts
Or skipping of confirmation
We need another's words & acts
Concerning a situation
Communication starts unseen
Be it love, business or else
Heart's energy is always clean
It can travel any place else
Intuition is our compass
Unless we're a lazy badass
Is our best compass to choose with
When life's basics want a kick start
Intuition is not some myth
Just this ~ no one accepts no facts
Or skipping of confirmation
We need another's words & acts
Concerning a situation
Communication starts unseen
Be it love, business or else
Heart's energy is always clean
It can travel any place else
Intuition is our compass
Unless we're a lazy badass
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Humans want standards for their thing
For objects, products, plants, movement
And mostly they are labeling
Their physical environment
On behavior, preference
Standardization may not work
Rules stream well in wishes' defense
It may not be truth they uncork
A person's mind is specific
Specifics do have their own rule
Wise be to skip the generic
Standards may even harm a mule
Ourselves, our heart goes where it must
Standard judgements may be unjust
For objects, products, plants, movement
And mostly they are labeling
Their physical environment
On behavior, preference
Standardization may not work
Rules stream well in wishes' defense
It may not be truth they uncork
A person's mind is specific
Specifics do have their own rule
Wise be to skip the generic
Standards may even harm a mule
Ourselves, our heart goes where it must
Standard judgements may be unjust
Friday, August 28, 2015
Italian Song
Find, that beauty is Italy
The sea's horizon we don't see
When it's bathing in the Summer Sun
We see even a monk and a nun
With tablet & smart phone near the sea
All shops & restaurants sell glutenfree
Nowhere more wheat products do we see
Local mozarella needs no bun
Find oregano at your mountain run
Palaces from fairy tales set free;
Lushy fountains; many a citrus tree
Imagination & water will run
In lofty places under the Sun
It will make you collect some bounty
Find here your new, inspired energy
The sea's horizon we don't see
When it's bathing in the Summer Sun
We see even a monk and a nun
With tablet & smart phone near the sea
All shops & restaurants sell glutenfree
Nowhere more wheat products do we see
Local mozarella needs no bun
Find oregano at your mountain run
Palaces from fairy tales set free;
Lushy fountains; many a citrus tree
Imagination & water will run
In lofty places under the Sun
It will make you collect some bounty
Find here your new, inspired energy
Friday, August 7, 2015
Maybe I'm no dog person
I'm a specific dog person
With some, I have immediate connection
Their strong memory facilitates a relation
In a network, also dogs have ties with each person
I'm a specific dog person
With some, I have immediate connection
Their strong memory facilitates a relation
In a network, also dogs have ties with each person
Monday, July 27, 2015
Capitalist Song
Isn't it all just about
The erosion, inflation
Of language, throughout?
Do we remember their definition?
The real definition now of these words
Is simply: Bad person, bad ideology
They function like blunt swords
They lost their threat in etymology
Alas, we forgot that capitalism
Also has a positive, healthy meaning
If we abolish collectivist corporatism
And return property to those concerning
We can improve the political debate
Once we hold matching keys to its gate
Friday, July 24, 2015
Boat Song
Boats are as old as humanity
Perhaps our oldest facility
One of the few places to combine
Work and pleasure in a way that's benign
They're places that dampen banality
Sameness is elsewhere dull profanity
Here, it may be spirituality
Never the same is the water line
Boats will often modestly align
Captains want individuality
Or challenging materiality
People want to gather or land what's fine
And have made easy or forward design
To follow heavenly facility
Across water's practicality
Perhaps our oldest facility
One of the few places to combine
Work and pleasure in a way that's benign
They're places that dampen banality
Sameness is elsewhere dull profanity
Here, it may be spirituality
Never the same is the water line
Boats will often modestly align
Captains want individuality
Or challenging materiality
People want to gather or land what's fine
And have made easy or forward design
To follow heavenly facility
Across water's practicality
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Debt Song
We've come to harbor wrong ideas
About what debt and finance are
Real value isn't the same as
Printed sheets without counter ware
The USA understands this
They ignore created money
They know that a present it is
Stupid Europe is not so free
Citizens and businesses
Can lend real value to others
Return theirs, without finesses
Real borrowing rarely smothers
Don't repay created money
Be real now & set yourself free
About what debt and finance are
Real value isn't the same as
Printed sheets without counter ware
The USA understands this
They ignore created money
They know that a present it is
Stupid Europe is not so free
Citizens and businesses
Can lend real value to others
Return theirs, without finesses
Real borrowing rarely smothers
Don't repay created money
Be real now & set yourself free
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Waterloo II
Chère France
Comme toujours,
L'Europe est votre empire
Vous croyez contrôler l'ours
Mais, aussi, l'ours allemand navire
Votre ancien ennemi a le même rêve
Plusieurs fois, vous avez détruit l'Europe
Ayez caution que l'Europe en grève
Vous rencontra comme cauchemar en galope
Vos maîtres d'état payeront le prix
De votre ambition idiote
Excusez-moi de ce cri
Je crains, que votre avion sera sans pilote
Liebes Deutschland
Nein, Sie sind nicht immer schlimmer
Wie immer, will auch Frankreich herrschen
Mit Gewalt oder durch Schuld, wie immer
Auch jetzt, werdet Ihr Europa nicht beherrschen
Europa wünscht Euch eine schöne Badezeit
Und eine gute Euro-Zukunft zu zweit
Die Europäische Union braucht, wie jede Ehe,
Nur zwei: Euch Beide ~ bitte, jetzt gehe
Es gibt viele schöne Inseln auf dieser Welt
Genau genug für Euch, selbst ohne Geld
Armut verbieten mittels dieses Reiches
Is ein neues Waterloo ohne Gleiches
Lief België
Telkens waren jullie de klos
Maar ditmaal lijken jullie te denken
Dat jullie de rol spelen van de vos
Die zichzelf welvaart gaat schenken
Denk maar niet, dat Guy Verhofstadt
Jullie gaat helpen
Hij staat op de Brusselse mat
Inderdaad, op die mat liggen de parelschelpen
Maar ook nu zijn de parels niet voor jullie
Vergelijk Verhofstadt met de pechvogels
Uit de Nederlandse historie
Namen snijdend als 't fluiten van kogels
Quittons ce drame
Verlassen wir falsches Denkrahm
Slavernij is en blijft infaam
Comme toujours,
L'Europe est votre empire
Vous croyez contrôler l'ours
Mais, aussi, l'ours allemand navire
Votre ancien ennemi a le même rêve
Plusieurs fois, vous avez détruit l'Europe
Ayez caution que l'Europe en grève
Vous rencontra comme cauchemar en galope
Vos maîtres d'état payeront le prix
De votre ambition idiote
Excusez-moi de ce cri
Je crains, que votre avion sera sans pilote
Liebes Deutschland
Nein, Sie sind nicht immer schlimmer
Wie immer, will auch Frankreich herrschen
Mit Gewalt oder durch Schuld, wie immer
Auch jetzt, werdet Ihr Europa nicht beherrschen
Europa wünscht Euch eine schöne Badezeit
Und eine gute Euro-Zukunft zu zweit
Die Europäische Union braucht, wie jede Ehe,
Nur zwei: Euch Beide ~ bitte, jetzt gehe
Es gibt viele schöne Inseln auf dieser Welt
Genau genug für Euch, selbst ohne Geld
Armut verbieten mittels dieses Reiches
Is ein neues Waterloo ohne Gleiches
Lief België
Telkens waren jullie de klos
Maar ditmaal lijken jullie te denken
Dat jullie de rol spelen van de vos
Die zichzelf welvaart gaat schenken
Denk maar niet, dat Guy Verhofstadt
Jullie gaat helpen
Hij staat op de Brusselse mat
Inderdaad, op die mat liggen de parelschelpen
Maar ook nu zijn de parels niet voor jullie
Vergelijk Verhofstadt met de pechvogels
Uit de Nederlandse historie
Namen snijdend als 't fluiten van kogels
Quittons ce drame
Verlassen wir falsches Denkrahm
Slavernij is en blijft infaam
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Polar Song
It is all about energy
Concepts whose consequences we see
There is a lot more to it than that
Same players aren't forever on the mat
Moreover, there's no mat we see
Players push & pull fully free
At least, that's what it is, seemingly
The system ~ we understand just that
It is a physical combat
Holy books describe polarity
Systems allow us functionality
We undergo their hug or threat
Beauty may come from a miracle hat
Without start, things bow to polarity
It is what we're allowed to see
Concepts whose consequences we see
There is a lot more to it than that
Same players aren't forever on the mat
Moreover, there's no mat we see
Players push & pull fully free
At least, that's what it is, seemingly
The system ~ we understand just that
It is a physical combat
Holy books describe polarity
Systems allow us functionality
We undergo their hug or threat
Beauty may come from a miracle hat
Without start, things bow to polarity
It is what we're allowed to see
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Summer Song
Poplar leaves whisper in short breezes
Grass fully abloom, someone sneezes
Short shadows on roof tiles
White sails on blue cause that someone smiles
We may find peace in a sight that pleases
Green, white, and blue combination teases
It's the main palet the eye seizes
In June, boats travel many miles
Poplar petals float around the isles
Grilled fish, lemon and chicken seizes
Our nostril, and teases and pleases
Subconscious memory makes no files
Of this, that invites us to walk for miles
Fresh grass is digested into cheeses
Poplar leaves bend to a breeze that squeezes
Grass fully abloom, someone sneezes
Short shadows on roof tiles
White sails on blue cause that someone smiles
We may find peace in a sight that pleases
Green, white, and blue combination teases
It's the main palet the eye seizes
In June, boats travel many miles
Poplar petals float around the isles
Grilled fish, lemon and chicken seizes
Our nostril, and teases and pleases
Subconscious memory makes no files
Of this, that invites us to walk for miles
Fresh grass is digested into cheeses
Poplar leaves bend to a breeze that squeezes
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
European Union & TTIP Song
Medieval Days
Revived, since we submit
To EU feudal ways
Our only shoe, it doesn't fit
The European colony
Is ordered to stay on The Shelf
France, Germany & USA hold the key
USA is comfortable on its own shelf
Then, the Sun gains strength
How we long for a free swim...!
To move at our own length
Freedom, relaxation: It's no whim
Then, suddenly The Shelf crumbles
Inevitable, with so many of us
Crooked companion Greece tumbles
Under a cage, waves are ominous
USA tries to mend the abyss
For now, with some success
Since we can't hunt, we need US gliss
Of plastic fish that does fluoresce
Fed on plastic fish, we can't focus
We're tired, or aggressive
From inside, it eats us
To nature, we can't be submissive
In the fog, no one can see Greece
It must be in the cold, black waves
One final big wave hits to release
All of us, docile slaves
We didn't want freedom
USA fruitlessly pushes us back
But, now fails its stardom,
Because our shelf isn't even a wreck
Only France and Germany,
Cling tightly to the remaining bars
That aren't yet free
A new cage they need, built from scars
As weak as we are, swim we must
Russia took Greece under its wing
Those outside who are more robust,
Are examples to which we must cling
Feudal magic couldn't save us
Like everybody else in the sea,
We must hunt and be rigorous
Only real fish will set us free
Revived, since we submit
To EU feudal ways
Our only shoe, it doesn't fit
The European colony
Is ordered to stay on The Shelf
France, Germany & USA hold the key
USA is comfortable on its own shelf
Then, the Sun gains strength
How we long for a free swim...!
To move at our own length
Freedom, relaxation: It's no whim
Then, suddenly The Shelf crumbles
Inevitable, with so many of us
Crooked companion Greece tumbles
Under a cage, waves are ominous
USA tries to mend the abyss
For now, with some success
Since we can't hunt, we need US gliss
Of plastic fish that does fluoresce
Fed on plastic fish, we can't focus
We're tired, or aggressive
From inside, it eats us
To nature, we can't be submissive
In the fog, no one can see Greece
It must be in the cold, black waves
One final big wave hits to release
All of us, docile slaves
We didn't want freedom
USA fruitlessly pushes us back
But, now fails its stardom,
Because our shelf isn't even a wreck
Only France and Germany,
Cling tightly to the remaining bars
That aren't yet free
A new cage they need, built from scars
As weak as we are, swim we must
Russia took Greece under its wing
Those outside who are more robust,
Are examples to which we must cling
Feudal magic couldn't save us
Like everybody else in the sea,
We must hunt and be rigorous
Only real fish will set us free
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Bird Song
Birds, we love them, because they seem so free
They can choose from where they want to see
Places on Earth they like or need
Also birds, of peers they must take heed
They're not free to choose territory
Amazed we are by their accuracy
Fly across continents to the same tree
Some species, thoughts of engineers they feed
Birds don't all have ergonomics of speed
Their voices may have majesty
Some don't even fly, yet master the sea
Life is programmed, so are eggs birds breed
There's little change in what they or we need
Colors, shapes, skills show variety
Birds enjoy constrained liberty
(The Tree Swallow was inspired by a photo by
mr Howard Sharper, Saginaw, Michigan, USA)
They can choose from where they want to see
Places on Earth they like or need
Also birds, of peers they must take heed
They're not free to choose territory
Amazed we are by their accuracy
Fly across continents to the same tree
Some species, thoughts of engineers they feed
Birds don't all have ergonomics of speed
Their voices may have majesty
Some don't even fly, yet master the sea
Life is programmed, so are eggs birds breed
There's little change in what they or we need
Colors, shapes, skills show variety
Birds enjoy constrained liberty
(The Tree Swallow was inspired by a photo by
mr Howard Sharper, Saginaw, Michigan, USA)
Monday, June 1, 2015
Night Song
Interchange of celestial bodies
Darkness revives its own species
Miraculously, we see no changes
There's no development, no ranges
Darkness is people's time for parties
Loneliness is sensed in night's energies
Yet, togetherness expresses furies
In darkness, when many have exchanges
Interchange rejoices or damages
Has anybody seen the light's bodies
We still don't know its mysteries
Things always move without changes
It's the seasons, the night arranges
Crystal and steam have the same bodies
Interchange with own length at all bodies
Darkness revives its own species
Miraculously, we see no changes
There's no development, no ranges
Darkness is people's time for parties
Loneliness is sensed in night's energies
Yet, togetherness expresses furies
In darkness, when many have exchanges
Interchange rejoices or damages
Has anybody seen the light's bodies
We still don't know its mysteries
Things always move without changes
It's the seasons, the night arranges
Crystal and steam have the same bodies
Interchange with own length at all bodies
Moon Song
Unreserved beauty we see in you
As the people know, women love you
It's also because you tick women's clock
There's no such thing as a dead rock
We don't know which place you go to
Because they wanted, people came to you
Maybe people cannot survive on you ~
Facts, several visits had to unlock
Unreserved, yet, we enjoyed Earth view
Our philosophizing goes to you
Waters will always listen to you
At your door, people will come and knock
Because, a home making dream they cannot block
Policians' ambition may come true
Unreservedly, we now enjoy the view
As the people know, women love you
It's also because you tick women's clock
There's no such thing as a dead rock
We don't know which place you go to
Because they wanted, people came to you
Maybe people cannot survive on you ~
Facts, several visits had to unlock
Unreserved, yet, we enjoyed Earth view
Our philosophizing goes to you
Waters will always listen to you
At your door, people will come and knock
Because, a home making dream they cannot block
Policians' ambition may come true
Unreservedly, we now enjoy the view
Friday, May 29, 2015
Sun & Moon Song
Our beacons and navigators
Not only for farmers and sailors
They push and pull us around
Every six hours they bare some ground
A lasting cycle without failures
These bodies have many neighbors
All have their own matters and flavors
We don't know, where it all is bound
Our beacons haven't all been found
That the universe always had actors,
Must be truth without competitors
Enough is: Their beauty does astound
To pondering and consuming we're bound
Concerning their mobilizing factors
Our beacons are our movie's actors
Not only for farmers and sailors
They push and pull us around
Every six hours they bare some ground
A lasting cycle without failures
These bodies have many neighbors
All have their own matters and flavors
We don't know, where it all is bound
Our beacons haven't all been found
That the universe always had actors,
Must be truth without competitors
Enough is: Their beauty does astound
To pondering and consuming we're bound
Concerning their mobilizing factors
Our beacons are our movie's actors
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Snow & Ice Song
Mystery of creation
Strength and isolation
From a cristalline grid
From cold that does forbid
Beauty and entertainment, thanks to its perfection
Strength and isolation
From a cristalline grid
From cold that does forbid
Beauty and entertainment, thanks to its perfection
Desert Song
I've had the privilege of access
To desert land in four countries
Desert lands are vast, empty, as are seas
At first sight, we don't see their liveliness
Historic figures could address
Human issues in their ampleness
At second sight, much life one sees
The desert houses amazing species
Camouflaged bushes, dry wind does caress
I've seen the worst rains in this aridness
I could hardly believe what the eye sees
To the mind, the vastness does please
Their size hasn't grown any less
The desert feeds and dries our harness
Monday, May 18, 2015
Earth Song
Essential in the universe is
Matter~ the start of all of this
Beginnings & endings are crumbs
Building element to dust & lumps
People have tried to find its wiz
Hard, sharp, blunt, or smooth osmosis
Builds homes for our symbiosis
To force & heat, matter succumbs
Essential change or minor bumps
Mysterious product from matter is
Life~ do we know what the difference is
From matter that lacks life's vital drums
Matter feeds~ see a sparrow feed on plums
Its particles, that's what a human is
Essentially, we belong to the wiz
Matter~ the start of all of this
Beginnings & endings are crumbs
Building element to dust & lumps
People have tried to find its wiz
Hard, sharp, blunt, or smooth osmosis
Builds homes for our symbiosis
To force & heat, matter succumbs
Essential change or minor bumps
Mysterious product from matter is
Life~ do we know what the difference is
From matter that lacks life's vital drums
Matter feeds~ see a sparrow feed on plums
Its particles, that's what a human is
Essentially, we belong to the wiz
Air & Water Song
We can't own it, even though we'd like
It may feed, caress, swallow, or strike
And then, we all, always pass it on
One cannot try and hold it on
All we may, is stream it by tube and dyke
Its ultimate beauty we like
Even the more, when Sun beams strike
And fan the color spectrum of vision
We can't own it, to some people's dislike
Home of jellyfish, seagull, and pike
Our space to walk, sail, fly, or bike
People's folly makes effort to hold on
But we can't own it; effort is a con
Knowing the future is what we like
Also if water & air's end may strike
Winter, Summer, from dusk till dawn
Temperature, force, brings changes upon
This home of carp, catfish, seal and pike,
That what we can't own--to our dislike
It may feed, caress, swallow, or strike
And then, we all, always pass it on
One cannot try and hold it on
All we may, is stream it by tube and dyke
Its ultimate beauty we like
Even the more, when Sun beams strike
And fan the color spectrum of vision
We can't own it, to some people's dislike
Home of jellyfish, seagull, and pike
Our space to walk, sail, fly, or bike
People's folly makes effort to hold on
But we can't own it; effort is a con
Knowing the future is what we like
Also if water & air's end may strike
Winter, Summer, from dusk till dawn
Temperature, force, brings changes upon
This home of carp, catfish, seal and pike,
That what we can't own--to our dislike
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Money Song
Whatever money is
Property it never is
It has no prejudice, no eyes
Full objectivity makes wise
Money is ignorant
Within an instant,
Money flows to the bulk of money
Its one variation is currency
Could money cure us from racism?
Maybe, because it makes no schism
Is money without real value?
Or is it impartial and true?
All I think, now we have no respect
And that makes us full of neglect
Property it never is
It has no prejudice, no eyes
Full objectivity makes wise
Money is ignorant
Within an instant,
Money flows to the bulk of money
Its one variation is currency
Could money cure us from racism?
Maybe, because it makes no schism
Is money without real value?
Or is it impartial and true?
All I think, now we have no respect
And that makes us full of neglect
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Bottom-up theater
Actors make the play
In a way, democratic theater
The producer chooses from their play
Actors may bring their story
May not know each word by heart
The producer then moulds the story
Brought outside what lives in the heart
Actors make the play
In a way, democratic theater
The producer chooses from their play
Actors may bring their story
May not know each word by heart
The producer then moulds the story
Brought outside what lives in the heart
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Until the eighties,
The Dutch had a healthy diet
Season's vegetables & berries
Though the food press kept quiet
The Dutch weren't overweight
In those days of unmodified food
Grown on soil, in open air, as should
Not under glass and on a plastic plate
Food is prone to fashion
I admire & curse those making fortune
On our basic provision
Even when false may be their tune
Curly cale is a winter vegetable
Typically grown on snow land
Vitamins & minerals on your table
In Michelle Obama's garden at hand
I heard there's insatiable demand
In America, of all places
For a cale that once wasn't grand
Not seen at parties for snooty faces
Now comes a swan with high styling
The times they change
It wasn't an ugly duckling
It just looked a bit strange
The Dutch had a healthy diet
Season's vegetables & berries
Though the food press kept quiet
The Dutch weren't overweight
In those days of unmodified food
Grown on soil, in open air, as should
Not under glass and on a plastic plate
Food is prone to fashion
I admire & curse those making fortune
On our basic provision
Even when false may be their tune
Curly cale is a winter vegetable
Typically grown on snow land
Vitamins & minerals on your table
In Michelle Obama's garden at hand
I heard there's insatiable demand
In America, of all places
For a cale that once wasn't grand
Not seen at parties for snooty faces
Now comes a swan with high styling
The times they change
It wasn't an ugly duckling
It just looked a bit strange
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
I'm bound to say a thing
Not everyone will appreciate
A knowledge realm, though working
Not flawlessly within our fate,
It's a living, existing force
A genuine human work horse
It's part of another aspect
Of humanity we shouldn't neglect
There's science, there's religious text
Yet, this third pillar not all respect
It's been put to shame
Let's restore it to (more) fame
It's mostly part of the female mind
Ok, only some of them
Too bad, even women have declined
Their own gem
That may distinguish them from
Many others in the human kingdom
Maybe the 'spirits' use them
For their own ambition
And maybe some of them
Miss talent & inspiration
Like some scholars & scientists
Who were failures or antagonists
This realm is called clairvoyance
Also I took my chance
Even the police consult them
At this place, why not thank them
For anything that could ease
A wandering mind in clouded seas
Not everyone will appreciate
A knowledge realm, though working
Not flawlessly within our fate,
It's a living, existing force
A genuine human work horse
It's part of another aspect
Of humanity we shouldn't neglect
There's science, there's religious text
Yet, this third pillar not all respect
It's been put to shame
Let's restore it to (more) fame
It's mostly part of the female mind
Ok, only some of them
Too bad, even women have declined
Their own gem
That may distinguish them from
Many others in the human kingdom
Maybe the 'spirits' use them
For their own ambition
And maybe some of them
Miss talent & inspiration
Like some scholars & scientists
Who were failures or antagonists
This realm is called clairvoyance
Also I took my chance
Even the police consult them
At this place, why not thank them
For anything that could ease
A wandering mind in clouded seas
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Cher Charlie Hebdo, voici pourquoi les gens sages restent neutres
Surtout, mes condoléances à vous
Ayant dit ça,
Il faut ajouter quelque chose.
Impossible de nier,
Que la France fait part
Des pays autoritaires et patriarcales
En Europe.
Alors vous n'avez aucun droit,
AUCUN, de dire un seul mot
A l'égard de l'Islam
La 'tolérance' et la 'liberté'
De la France sont présentes
Dans mon arbre généalogique:
Tout ceux persécutés par vos ancêtres
Y sont présents.
Et non seulement des français,
Egalement des allemands et portugais.
Alors, s'il vous plait,
Silencez-vous, vraiment. C'est plus beau
Moi aussi, étant néerlandaise,
Je tâche à me taire, à ce sujet.
Les Pays Bas, avec leurs crimes de guerre
En Indonésie, n'ont pas de droit de parler.
Ni de justice,
Et ni de liberté.
Sans doute, vous ne savez pas
Qu'ici, insulter le Roi de ce pays,
Résulte en cinq ans d'emprisonnement
C'est, hélas, la vérité.
Et après tous ses crimes de guerre
En Palestine, Algérie, à l'Iraq, l'Afghanistan,
Les tortures au Guantanamo,
L'Occident n'a aucun droit
De parler. Vraiment!
Pensez toujours à cette verse
De la Sainte Bible:
Ceux sans péchés, jetez la première pierre
Rien ne décrit cette situation-ci mieux.
Et veuillez lire les versets Coraniques
2:178, 17:33 et 60:8
Pour mieux comprendre que ce qu'ont fait
Ces terroristes: c'est contre l'Islam.
Et plus.
Je veux qu'un dessin polémique me fasse penser
Non seulement aux autres, mais aussi à moi
Et surtout, qu'il me fasse (sou)rire.
Et n'oubliez pas la douleur
Des parents de deux frères
Entrés en crime
Et tués à cette route malheureuse.
Je vous salue et vous souhaite le mieux,
Hajar Mulder
Ayant dit ça,
Il faut ajouter quelque chose.
Impossible de nier,
Que la France fait part
Des pays autoritaires et patriarcales
En Europe.
Alors vous n'avez aucun droit,
AUCUN, de dire un seul mot
A l'égard de l'Islam
La 'tolérance' et la 'liberté'
De la France sont présentes
Dans mon arbre généalogique:
Tout ceux persécutés par vos ancêtres
Y sont présents.
Et non seulement des français,
Egalement des allemands et portugais.
Alors, s'il vous plait,
Silencez-vous, vraiment. C'est plus beau
Moi aussi, étant néerlandaise,
Je tâche à me taire, à ce sujet.
Les Pays Bas, avec leurs crimes de guerre
En Indonésie, n'ont pas de droit de parler.
Ni de justice,
Et ni de liberté.
Sans doute, vous ne savez pas
Qu'ici, insulter le Roi de ce pays,
Résulte en cinq ans d'emprisonnement
C'est, hélas, la vérité.
Et après tous ses crimes de guerre
En Palestine, Algérie, à l'Iraq, l'Afghanistan,
Les tortures au Guantanamo,
L'Occident n'a aucun droit
De parler. Vraiment!
Pensez toujours à cette verse
De la Sainte Bible:
Ceux sans péchés, jetez la première pierre
Rien ne décrit cette situation-ci mieux.
Et veuillez lire les versets Coraniques
2:178, 17:33 et 60:8
Pour mieux comprendre que ce qu'ont fait
Ces terroristes: c'est contre l'Islam.
Et plus.
Je veux qu'un dessin polémique me fasse penser
Non seulement aux autres, mais aussi à moi
Et surtout, qu'il me fasse (sou)rire.
Et n'oubliez pas la douleur
Des parents de deux frères
Entrés en crime
Et tués à cette route malheureuse.
Je vous salue et vous souhaite le mieux,
Hajar Mulder
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