Sunday, December 8, 2019


Month to look back- & forward
I realise I can't be a coward
Disturbance of joy, nostalgia and fears

I've had amazing highlight years
But, the wind chases around the windows,
Even when Moonlight continues

Then, ghosts also reappear
Their voices we may hear
Under the shelter of comfortable darkness

Stars are shattered at largess
May they pierce the massive cloud
That may now be a plan's shroud

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Long Journey

Travelling is usually understood in miles
This time, I travelled inward, 
Then, counter clockwise, backward
Painstakingly, into my own files

It's like the past has shrunk
It's only papers in a trunk
But, the end I can see
Soon, I may be free

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Highest Temperature Ever

It’s only a matter of time:

Mediterranean & tropical crops

Will enter nordic farmers’ crops

They may add something sublime

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Eurozone Slack

Many people tried to shut me up
When I said it: It's not gonna work
Too much collective work,
Is economy's death cup

Economy is no piece of art
For well-intending public officials
We see now, how it congeals
Into our faces, does it fart

Some chaos, belongs to economy
The individual needs space
To deploy their very own race
Yet, in the Eurozone, not many are free

Boorish people just speak their mind
Insensitive honesty speaks truth
No wishful thinking from a loudmouth
Wishful politics can be truly unkind

Boorish people: Donald Trump
Or, Boris Johnson, may dare jump

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Day After The Party

For the party, much was arranged
Then, it came to finality
Best wishes have been exchanged
All went back to normality

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Democracy: Also For Rough & Populist Thought

Fake News, Individualism,
Or Nationalism:
Certainly, modern day swearwords
That work like killer swords,
To more polished minds in the prism

Yet, indy thought, away from ism,
Is essential part of any prism
Democracy always has discords
Fake News' words can be needed ugly cords

Belligerence is first real schism
Killing life is final cataclysm
Worst killers use captivating words:
Co-Operation, Green Accords,
To hide destructive Corporatism

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


It truly is an engineering skill
Only humans possess
Who else knows the process
Towards a tasty, consistent, (un)healthy grill

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Mosque

A good mosque is a generous place
A kind, safe base on the World's face
For worshippers with imperfections

It should give divine connections
Other than the Scripture
It should give us God's first picture

At least, it's God's Word's kiosk
'The World's face is my mosque'
Known prophetic words

Not limited to our nerds
The heart should be primal mosque
And love's first, non-monetary kiosk

Friday, May 10, 2019

April Amazement

I thought: Spring has been skipped, now too
Then, May dives back to October
Inverse weathers have their reason
Someone, somewhere, has been angered

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

More Blossoms

Who would ever expect glory
Of this much yellow magnitude
On a romani broccoli?
I look in humble servitude


White magnolia, prunes, cherries
A wealth of blossoms around us
Their previous years' memories
Make this April more glorious

Monday, February 11, 2019

Dear Holland, The Sea Rises

Your outlook has grown penible
How do you wish to continue?
Your story isn't credible,
If taxes should solve the issue

This is about rolling up sleeves
And, bonus, the air is dirty
Money is good enough for thieves
Real life sandbags we must carry

Handing over natural tasks
To governments, only corrupts
You couch potatoes sip your flasks,
While the sea around you erupts

Money isn't gonna save you
Why not stop the state robbing you

Monday, January 21, 2019

Phenomenon Of Nature

The reason they're existent
And the reason of their manifold movement
Are unknown to us

Everything about them, is adventurous
We don't know much, but even without travel,
There's some information to unravel

Saturday, January 19, 2019

January Morning

It’s just after eight;
The first bit of dawn appears
Outside, though with little weight,
A slight bit of coffee scent rears

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Defying Nature

People should travel during daydreams
Suppose a mirror appears, or so it seems
And a non-matching image might confront

An afternoon stroll at the waterfront
Could bring its own lovely surprise
Think of a free coffee of nice size