Saturday, January 13, 2018

Money Song III

Governments & their helpers,
Which are banks, insurers,
Had, again, robbed the people

However, are people, sheeple?
What else could the people do
State greed, alas, is very true

A miracle purse opened
Has its bounty an open end?
Its stream must have an origin

The free zone is deeply tucked in
People's magma, for all we know
Only Satan makes a false flow

Thursday, October 12, 2017

USA Song

Being contradictory, it's admired & hated
Its secret services are fiercely debated
USA is a positive & negative role model
In friendship, its people are loyal
Great craftsmanship, but some of its food is industrialised

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Money Song II

Money is running energy
It only follows passions set free
Admittedly, money has no soul
It's owners have one, plus a goal
A soul is a soul, even when empty

Like blood, money feeds the economy
It's disrespected equally
The other half makes a circle whole
Money is running energy

Between glorifying money
And rejecting it entirely,
Lies a real world where it may roll
Human nature can be controversial
Money is running energy