Friday, August 7, 2015


Maybe I'm no dog person
I'm a specific dog person
With some, I have immediate connection
Their strong memory facilitates a relation
In a network, also dogs have ties with each person

Monday, July 27, 2015

Capitalist Song



Isn't it all just about
The erosion, inflation
Of language, throughout?
Do we remember their definition?

The real definition now of these words
Is simply: Bad person, bad ideology
They function like blunt swords
They lost their threat in etymology

Alas, we forgot that capitalism
Also has a positive, healthy meaning
If we abolish collectivist corporatism
And return property to those concerning

We can improve the political debate
Once we hold matching keys to its gate

Friday, July 24, 2015

Boat Song

Boats are as old as humanity
Perhaps our oldest facility
One of the few places to combine
Work and pleasure in a way that's benign
They're places that dampen banality

Sameness is elsewhere dull profanity
Here, it may be spirituality
Never the same is the water line
Boats will often modestly align

Captains want individuality
Or challenging materiality
People want to gather or land what's fine
And have made easy or forward design
To follow heavenly facility
Across water's practicality

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Debt Song

We've come to harbor wrong ideas
About what debt and finance are
Real value isn't the same as
Printed sheets without counter ware

The USA understands this
They ignore created money
They know that a present it is
Stupid Europe is not so free

Citizens and businesses
Can lend real value to others
Return theirs, without finesses
Real borrowing rarely smothers

Don't repay created money
Be real now & set yourself free

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Waterloo II

Chère France

Comme toujours,
L'Europe est votre empire
Vous croyez contrôler l'ours
Mais, aussi, l'ours allemand navire

Votre ancien ennemi a le même rêve
Plusieurs fois, vous avez détruit l'Europe
Ayez caution que l'Europe en grève
Vous rencontra comme cauchemar en galope

Vos maîtres d'état payeront le prix
De votre ambition idiote
Excusez-moi de ce cri
Je crains, que votre avion sera sans pilote

Liebes Deutschland

Nein, Sie sind nicht immer schlimmer
Wie immer, will auch Frankreich herrschen
Mit Gewalt oder durch Schuld, wie immer
Auch jetzt, werdet Ihr Europa nicht beherrschen

Europa wünscht Euch eine schöne Badezeit
Und eine gute Euro-Zukunft zu zweit
Die Europäische Union braucht, wie jede Ehe,
Nur zwei: Euch Beide ~ bitte, jetzt gehe

Es gibt viele schöne Inseln auf dieser Welt
Genau genug für Euch, selbst ohne Geld
Armut verbieten mittels dieses Reiches
Is ein neues Waterloo ohne Gleiches

Lief België

Telkens waren jullie de klos
Maar ditmaal lijken jullie te denken
Dat jullie de rol spelen van de vos
Die zichzelf welvaart gaat schenken

Denk maar niet, dat Guy Verhofstadt
Jullie gaat helpen
Hij staat op de Brusselse mat
Inderdaad, op die mat liggen de parelschelpen

Maar ook nu zijn de parels niet voor jullie
Vergelijk Verhofstadt met de pechvogels
Uit de Nederlandse historie
Namen snijdend als 't fluiten van kogels

Quittons ce drame
Verlassen wir falsches Denkrahm
Slavernij is en blijft infaam