Monday, December 21, 2015

Christmas Dream

A green Christmas will come true
Have any of you
Seen any snow, this Winter?
Icebergs crumble & splinter

Blackbirds sing
Temperatures remind of Spring
Weirdness is main theme
In the present world scheme

What is the future of life,
Of water, land, in this strife?
I leave the question for now
After the holidays, further we plow

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Nothing & Something

Is nothing space between more than a thing
Like silence is nothing between sounds
Or is it the also-existing non-existing

Perhaps it isn't a question that hounds
Because there's always something
Creation and mass have no bounds

If creation has no ending
Would it be a statement that astounds
That creation has no beginning

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Recently, this, I discovered:
Belief & trust climb a stairway
Like a game, it's steps are numbered
Not just like a computer play

First, you protect yourself from harm
That is when you reach level one
Then, a story does more than warm
With faith, level two has been done

To protect, belief, and exchange
That's when trust reaches level three
People are heroic or strange
Yet, confidence can set them free

Let's thank humanity's beauty
Let's gather willingness to see

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Political Gossip

When politicians bring up
A colleague's personal life
They usually drank a vinegar filled cup
To give their mind strife

Bringers of doubtful, unproven news
About others' personal life
Usually share clear news
About their very own strife

Charlie Brooker, lord Ashcroft ~ before unknown
They push forth their own sour faces
Unknowingly, themselves, they've blown
Their own minds ~ as being small places

Even those who don't admire
David Cameron
Still appreciate a strong wire
With relevance, without easy con

My lecture for today would be:
Stick to business
Don't strut your own hate memory
To those who care less

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


People always sail their own ship
None of them knowing where it goes
Even when they well-plan the trip
The span between those may cause woes

Someone's word may give assurance
We strive to be independent
So, daringly we take our chance
Yet, that may feel insufficient

We always love the good news ship
So we need others, now & then
Truth is, we like any news ship
Thinking, else, we're stuck in the den

Even when we're rolling smoothly.
We like a push before we're free