Friday, December 28, 2018

Last Quarter

The Sun has just set
Each sparrow tries to get
A spot in the tree
Then, by strict decree,
It seems, half the Moon enters the set

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Miraculous Apparitions

We can read about miracles
In religious scriptures
Apparitions, light bundles
But, we can't talk about such creatures

It may be wisdom
To listen to them
Reality may be in a phantom,
Remember Betlehem

Friday, December 21, 2018

Christmas Lunch At The Bank

Three decades ago, luxury
Was keyword at banks' restaurants
Deer, wine, lobster were price worthy
It was approved by accountants

Now, the state owns their business
Christmas lunch is soda and cake
Now, staff enjoy simple finesse
Good times at good price may not be fake

Outside, it's dark and there's no cold
Inside, young people of all creeds,
Enjoy what their plate may behold
Sharing meals belongs to nice deeds

Banks had to learn humility
Sharing now needs simplicity

Saturday, December 15, 2018

First Quarter

Light, movement and energy
Yet, this format isn't free
The Moon is bound to repetition
It doesn't detract fascination
From another inaccessible mystery

Tuesday, December 11, 2018


Longing or dreaming to be somewhere else
Look out your window, see something else
Something better or at least different
Dreams make work or travel an assignment
But, once arrived, again you may long for something else